tiistai 17. elokuuta 2010

Moving charged particle experiences magnetic force

Right-hand rule is one way to remember the direction of magnetic force on charged particle. Current is in the direction of moving positive charge.
Hence, magnetic field exerts magnetic force on the rod carrying electric current.

Definition of 1 A electric current is based on the magnetic force!

The force is perpendicular to both B-field and velocity (cross-product in the formula) and does not increase the speed but change the direction of velocity at any moment. The particle begins to undergo circular path. Try how the different variables affect to the Larmor radius.

Can you conclude anything about the charges and masses of the four particles in the graph below?

sunnuntai 15. elokuuta 2010

Magnetic field

Permanent magnets (bar) or electric magnets (straight wire, solenoid,...) create magnetic field. Moving electric charge (current) gives rise to magnetic field. Unlike electric field lines, the magnetic field lines are closed loops i.e. no magnetic monopole exists. There are always both South pole and North pole.

The magnetic field at any point:
  • direction tangential to field line and towards South pole (outside the magnet)

  • strength proportional to density of field lines (also called magnetic flux)

The geomagnetic field due to plasma streams (volcanic electric currents) inside the Earth and the field geometry pretty similar to the field of gigantic bar magnet. The separation between geomagnetic south and geographic north is about 11 degrees. Solar plasma flow (solar wind) reshapes the dipole field:

In the presence of many fields, the total field is a vector sum of the component fields.